Thursday 17 August 2023

Leaf modifications

 Besides their usual function of photosynthesis leaves may be modified to perform other functions as well. Some of the important modifications of leaves are: 

1. Tendril: In some plants, the entire leaf or leaflet becomes tendrillar for the purpose of climbing, e.g. sweet and wild peas, and glory lily. 

2. Spines: In a number of plants, leaves become spiny and serve the purpose of defence, e.g. Opuntia, Argemone and Aloe.

 3. Hooks: In Bignonia unguis cati three terminal leaflets of compound leaf are modified into claw like hooks which help the plant in climbing. 

4. Scaly leaves: In onion leaves are in the form of fleshy scales. These are known as scalyleaves. 

5. Pitcher: In some insectivorous plants such as pitcher plant (Nepenthes), the lamina assumes the form of a pitcher with a lid to trap the insects. The inner walls of the pitchers possess a number of digestive glands that secrete a fluid.

 6. Phyllode: When the petiole becomes leaf-like, it is termed phyllodes, e.g. Australian Acacia. 

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